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Dr. Fred Mora

Dr. Fred Mora has served as a professor at Fresno Pacific University. He has also served as an instructor at Fresno State University, Fresno City Community College, and the California School for Professional Psychology, now known as Alliant International University. Dr. Mora holds a PhD in Psychology, specializing in organizational development, a master’s degree in organizational behavior, and a bachelor’s degree in pastoral theology. He has also done graduate studies in biblical literature at the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. Dr. Mora was engaged in church pastoral ministry and international evangelism for over forty years. He is the founder and president of the Human Resources Consortium, president and chairman of Moramax, Inc., and the founder and president of the Corporate University, Inc., where he serves as a lead instructor. He also founded the non-profit ministry Last Generation Ekklesia, Inc.

Free-Will Choice: The Story

All creation, physical and spiritual, has essentially evolved, through God, to where we are today. As such, God has demonstrated who He is in the context of creation. We understand this through Scripture, which provides progressive revelation about the role that free-will choice has played in God’s eternal plans even before the visual foundation of the heavens and earth.

As difficult as it may be to accept, God had no choice but to process His free-will choice in the Son of the Morning and Eve and Adam, even with His pre-knowledge of their fall. To further understand this free-will choice, God wants us to understand the person of Satan and his relationship with God before and after Satan’s fall from God’s Celestial Kingdom.

In addition, it is apparent that God also wants us to have insight into what transpired in early existence with the creation of the heavens and earth and pre-Adamic existence leading to God’s plan of re-creation for all of humankind. Even before the foundation of the heavens and earth, God has always had free-will choice in mind for His creation. This plan entails the gift of eternal life for every living person today and the reality of the Kingdom of God eternally and finally established on earth.